Miss Luanna Decatur has been spending a few days at her home on the Lowell road and attended the Unitarian church on Sunday. Both masses were celebrated in St. Catherine’s church last Sunday morning by the pastor, Rev. Edmund T. Schofield, who spoke very interestingly on the reception held in honor of Cardinal O’Connell in Lowell, recently, and incidentally brought to the attention of his parishioners, particularly the men, the importance of participating in the town meeting that will be held in Westford town hall on March 18. Fr. While you view the Italianate-style architecture you will also learn about a family that helped build the Boone County we know today. Worcestershire was absorbed into the unified Kingdom of England in 927, when it was also first constituted as a county. Small towns in the county tended to stagnate or shrink slightly in size, such as Alvechurch, Bewdley, Broadway, Pershore, Tenbury and Upton on Severn.
A full attendance of the membership is hoped for, and those not members will be very welcome by paying a small admission fee. There is evidence for Roman industrial production such as iron works in Worcester, but no sign of municipal buildings, although a small defended site has been detected, perhaps to guard the river crossing. Iron Age earthworks on a summit of the Malvern Hills close to where Malvern was to be later established. Scythe making concentrated in the Clent Hills area as water power was needed to make them. This area of town is also mountainous and rugged, with the border descending along a northwesterly line to the narrow Woodbury Carpet Restretching Creek valley, where NY 32 and the New York State Thruway enter the town. John Feeney, jr., who has been taking the short winter course in agriculture at the state college at Amherst, finishes the course this week and is expected home at the week-end. Mrs. A. H. Sutherland, who recently underwent a serious surgical operation, is expected to return home this Saturday. 6:30 to 7:30. Robert Howes Burnham, of the Emerson School of Oratory, who has so cleverly impersonated and read before for Westford audiences, will be the entertainer of the evening, assisted by some of our best home talent.
At the time of the wind disturbance I was attending an annual church social about one thousand feet from my house, and as the wind seemed to increase I started for home having to face the wind or go backward. The Thimble club was very pleasantly entertained at the home of Mrs. J. Herbert Fletcher on Thursday afternoon of this week. Owing to sickness, Mr. Brackett, supervisor of drawing in the schools, was unable to give his second lecture at the Frost school on Tuesday afternoon as scheduled. Samuel Ogley, superintendent of the Brookside mills received a badly lacerated hand while working on a machine last Saturday afternoon. Dr. Varney performed the eight-stitch act on his hand. He has performed this duty, and the town as a government is well satisfied with its servant. The cozy dwelling house J. Henry Colburn has been building for himself and family, next to the town house, has been making good progress, but at present there is a pause in activities waiting for milder weather before plastering. Across the front of the house, the porch was enclosed to make a sun room, and a porte cochere was added to the north side of the house, over the driveway and leading to the carriage house.
A number of the members of Westford grange attended the monthly session of the North Middlesex Pomona grange, which met with Tyngsboro grange on Friday of last week. The regular monthly social and entertainment of the Congregational church will take place on Wednesday evening, March 13, at the vestry. The Edward M. Abbot hose company held their regular monthly meeting with supper on Tuesday evening at their headquarters on Boston road. The company was accused of selling high-end turf to taxpayers in towns and schools across New Jersey and the United States despite knowing their fields were falling apart. Young deer leaped and skipped through open fields and orchards on the farms in the Stony Brook valley last week, heading towards the woods of Francis hill. This will be the “teachers’ social,” and the well-known successes of these young ladies in former seasons will recommend this coming social as an event not to be missed. Schofield said that he was a strong believer in liberty and did not feel like telling any man what he should do, but for the sake of the boys and young men he sincerely hoped that the citizens of Graniteville and Forge Village would vote “no” on the license question at the coming election.