It has been fully demonstrated that dynamite has been a great help to the farmer in many ways and it is hoped all who possibly can will attend the meeting, which will be open to the public. At the next meeting of the grange, Thursday evening, March 7, Joseph H. Peckham, a representative of the E. I. Dupont, De Nemours Powder Company, has been engaged to give a talk on the uses of dynamite in agriculture and orcharding. To the Editor: I will try to give you a description of one of our dry storms-sand storms they are called out here, but I should call them gravel storms instead. The ladies of the Unitarian church give an entertainment at the town hall this Saturday evening. The entertainment with the blind pianist, followed by a social at the town hall this Saturday evening, promises to be one of the interesting events of the season. Miss Sarah J. Precious gave a most enjoyable musicale at her home on Saturday evening. Guest Night. The ladies of the Thimble club gave their annual guest night for their husbands on Washington’s birthday evening. The table decorations were red carnations and ferns with place cards adorned with tiny flags and a cherry cluster for each guest.
After his return home he settled on the old Butterfield farm, the place of his birth. If you suspect that your home or business has a mold problem, we can inspect and assess your property. You can be as specific as you like in form above, including details like the size of the job, an approximation of your budget and any other requirements. A promontory fort can be found by the Severn at Kempsey. Kempsey that appears to have belonged to the Roman Second Legion Augusta, headquartered at Isca Augusta, Caerleon in South Wales. Have a repair need? St Paul Carpet Restretching. Paul carpet repair services, you have come to the right place. Burn Marks: Cigarette or heat burns don’t have to ruin your carpet. The carpet is much easier to clean because of a tighter surface, so you get a better result. The tight twists are densely packed together to provide a similar comfort that you would get with plush carpets.
Some satisfaction to feel that as far as the cars are concerned there can’t be many more hindering snow storms this season. He was the first to sound the alarm at the burning of the church a year or more ago, being janitor at the time. Hawaii had more than 150,000 Japanese Americans or about one-third of Hawaii population, but only 1,200 to 1,800 were sent to the Internment camps. There were flags and bunting, and over the fireplace were pictures of George and Martha Washington draped with red, white and blue. However, there certainly were problems with the administration of the priory, including divisions within the community. After the lecture there will be a social hour and tea will be served. This will be illustrated with stereopticon and Mrs. Kebler has some very attractive pictures. A pleasant feature was the reading by the hostess of toasts and greetings from the only absent members, Mr. and Mrs. Goode, in New York. Until 1958, New York Central Railroad trains carried passengers from Albany, through Cornwall to Weehawken Terminal. Fred Snow is enjoying a business vacation with pleasure attachments in New York city.
“Is Fred Snow in the office? About Town. Charles Andrews, of Providence, was in town last week, mostly in the nature of a business visit, calling at the office of the Abbot Worsted Company at Graniteville and C. G. Sargent’s Sons’ machine shop. This will be in the evening in the Unitarian church, and Mrs. Emma Abbot Kebler will present an account of her trip through Africa taken last year. The Chums Cozy club, which planned for a sleighride last week, cancelled their intentions on account of the cancelled condition of the snow, and substituted a social and dance in Marshall’s hall. Calamy, Edmund (1713), “Bromsgrove, Mr John Spilsbury MA”, An account of the ministers, lecturers, masters, and fellows of colleges and schoolmasters: who were ejected or silenced after the Restoration in 1660, by or before, the Act of Uniformity., vol. By the 1831 census, 2,751 people were engaged in nailmaking in Worcestershire, primarily in Bromsgrove, Dudley and Northfield. In the north of the county, however, the industrial towns grew vastly in places such as Halesowen, Dudley and Yardley.