The placement supplies great prospects and currently lugs an income of ₤ 7 per week. Lor clerical job. Small amount ot inputting.
An extra margin of 7/6 weekly will be paid lo com pelenl stenographer”. IB years of “st and over. NO SATURDAY WORK.
We have actually just recently replaced an old Wastewater Treatment plant with a brand-new Ozzi Kleen RP10, client was covered with the completed outcome. We use Dan for all our maintenance at our Resort. He’s constantly on schedule and exceeds and past to get the jobs done in a timely manner and on budget plan. We have actually made use of Dan on countless events and his services have constantly been on point. Might not recommend him much more. We are experts in All Home Repairs!
Immediate openings for skilled Thread-cutters. Excellent pay and condi- tions. 4-1′,- dav week. Tions of Word Siblings.
Gcod conditions. Apply Purcell Design Co. (1940) Pty. Ltd., Pork Rd, Auburn.
Apply to the Registrar, I P.O. Box 4. Gration, staling qualifica- tions and experience. The effective applicant will be trained for the position of a personal assistant. Experienced In Salaries and Payroll Procedure.
Eliminating Telephonist (likewise to assist With clerical duties) wanted Immediately. Efficient Girl called for as Assistant to Business Director. Ledgo of typing No shorthand No Bats Pictorial Patterns 68 W worth Ave JUNIOR caroma electric scooter battery replacement tor Office Good pro.
Itnmnculate Dry cleaners. In south-western community has vacancy for qualified Shorthand-Typist, choose- ably with some experience in typing economic declarations. Wage will certainly be com- mensurate with nbillty. Required for interesting work in acquiring DEPARTMENT. Superb functioning problem”.
Given complimentary, modem cafeteria. Or Frenehpolishlng. Honor wages throughout training duration. LTD., 284 Horticulture Rd, Alexandria.
23 and thirty years, with soltgoods warehouse experience. Incomes ₤ 8 each week, plus bonus offers. Quired for Light Device Abscmbly. Excellent problems and overtime. Apply INGLON “PTY. LTD.; Sickness Armed Force Rd, Neutral Kid. XB3680. J quired for mnchiue device maintenance and lecondltionlng.