If you are searching for inexpensive music gifts for students, consider shopping at your local discount or dollar stores. These types of businesses typically carry discounted gifts and merchandise that are priced well below the cost of mass produced items. Many music teachers carry gifts from these types of businesses to their own classrooms. If you adored this article along with you would want to be given more info with regards to what google did to me i implore you to go to the webpage. Simply visit your nearest dollar and discount store or a popular online dance supply and costume store.
One inexpensive gift idea for students is to purchase a metronome to help teach students to time themselves. Purchasing a metronome can easily be purchased at an online dance supply store for less than 20 dollars. A small round black plastic metronome can be found for under 10 dollars. A larger round black metronome often used in music lessons can be found for around forty to fifty dollars. You can purchase more than one metronome to give the students in your class different accents. This way they will have many accent colors to choose from.
Another great gift idea for a music teacher is a wall clock. A large wall clock can easily be found on Amazon for around twenty to thirty dollars. Choose a classic wall clock with a classic style and finish. A large wall clock is ideal not only as a great gift idea but also because it can double as a study aid.
If you’re looking for a unique musical instrument that can be personalized to your class, consider purchasing a Bluetooth speaker. A Bluetooth speaker is perfect for a music lover. Because Bluetooth speakers use radio frequencies to communicate with each other, each student can pick out their own sound. Instead of having each student carry around their own mp3 player, they can listen to a song, take a call, and listen to their own tune through their Bluetooth speaker. This makes for a great classroom experience and excellent gifts for music teachers.
For the home, you can purchase a mini karaoke machine or a mini disc jockey. Both of these can be found on Amazon for around ten to twenty dollars. An ideal karaoke machine for home use would double as a shadow box where the music lover could practice their song. Mini disc jockeys on the other hand, are great gift ideas for student and music lovers alike.
One last idea would be to purchase an inexpensive music book mark, also known as scrapbooking page protector. These page protectors are made with thick acid free paper, so that your student can write on it without fear of acid eating away their artwork. Music book marks are perfect for music students because they are small and easy to carry around in a pocket, or notebook. Page protectors also come in many different sizes, so you can get the one that best fits your students needs.