Soft On Demand

It was the first Japanese court trial in which a comic book stood accused of being obscene and the first in 20 years dealing with printed pornography, despite the presence of a huge amount of pornographic cartoons, photographs and videos on bookstands and on the Internet in Japan Murayama, who as prime minister issued an apology in 1995 for Japan’s wartime aggression, said that it was time for Tokyo to finally resolve the issue of the so-called “comfort women” who were drafted into military brothels.

Four Japanese basketball players have been sent home from the Asian Games for allegedly paying prostitutes for sex, the Japanese Olympic Committee (JOC) said on Monday. Jun Byung-hun, a spokesman for South Korea’s ruling Uri Party, said on Sunday. In addition to a territorial row over two tiny islands, many South Koreans feel Japan has not squarely faced its wartime past, including the brutal 1910-1945 rule of the Korean peninsula. In a bid to narrow the gap over history, the two governments launched a joint study four years ago, but a report on its results issued on Friday showed the two sides were sharply at odds on many subjects, including the sex slaves issue.

It was the first Japanese court trial in which a comic book stood accused of being obscene and the first in 20 years dealing with printed pornography, despite the presence of a huge amount of pornographic cartoons, photographs and videos on bookstands and on the Internet in Japan. The book, consisting of eight short stories, was priced at 920 yen (8.7 dollars) Two people — the cartoonist and the chief editor of the comic book — have been fined 500,000 yen (4,700 dollars) each.

The Tokyo District Court found Monotori Kishi, a 54-year-old publisher, guilty of distributing obscene printed material and handed him a one-year prison term suspended for three years. The Tokyo District Court found Monotori Kishi, a 54-year-old publisher, guilty of distributing obscene printed material and handed him a one-year prison term suspended for A片 three years. In a bid to narrow the gap over history, the two governments launched a joint study four years ago, but a report on its results issued on Friday showed the two sides were sharply at odds on many subjects, including the sex slaves issue.

The two sides have been unable to set a date for a regular summit meeting between Koizumi and South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun, which they had agreed to hold by the end of June. In April 2002, Kishi sold some 20,500 copies of the 144-page book, entitled “Misshitsu (Honey Room)” and marketed as for adults only. The penal code article itself does not clearly define obscenity but the legal precedent was set by a 1957 Supreme Court ruling over a Japanese translation of D.H.

A comic book which depicts genitalia and sexual acts in two thirds of its content was ruled obscene in a landmark court case which has sparked a debate on freedom of expression in Japan. A man walks past advertisements for comic books and compact discs on the street in Tokyo.


Japan committed indescribable wrongdoings by forcing women from South Korea and elsewhere to serve as sex slaves to its wartime troops, former Japanese prime minister Tomiichi Murayama said yesterday. South Korean politicians and media blasted Nakayama, who caused a stir last November by praising history textbooks that played down what he termed “excessive descriptions” of Japanese wartime wrongdoing. The penal code article itself does not clearly define obscenity but the legal precedent was set by a 1957 Supreme Court ruling over a Japanese translation of D.H.

Japan’s top government spokesman sought to contain any further damage, saying Tokyo was sorry for the sex slaves. But the term “comfort women” is set to disappear from many government-approved history textbooks for junior high schools from next year, Japanese media have reported. Four Japanese basketball players have been sent home from the Asian Games for allegedly paying prostitutes for sex, the Japanese Olympic Committee (JOC) said on Monday.

A man walks past advertisements for comic books and compact discs on the street in Tokyo. Murayama, who as prime minister issued an apology in 1995 for Japan’s wartime aggression, said that it was time for Tokyo to finally resolve the issue of the so-called “comfort women” who were drafted into military brothels. The Tokyo District Court found Monotori Kishi, a 54-year-old publisher, guilty of distributing obscene printed material and handed him a one-year prison term suspended for three years.

Ties between Japan and South Korea have been strained by a range of feuds, including one over Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi’s annual visits to a Tokyo shrine for the war dead which Seoul, like China, sees as a symbol of Japan’s past militarism. Historians estimate that as many as 200,000 women, mostly Korean, were forced into sexual slavery in Japanese military brothels during World War II. Education Minister Nariaki Nakayama was quoted by media over the weekend as saying the term “comfort women,” a euphemism for the sex slaves, did not exist during the war and it was good the term had disappeared from school textbooks Japan apologized again on Monday for the suffering of women who served as sex slaves for the Japanese military during World War II, a day after comments by a cabinet minister drew an angry reaction in South Korea.

In April 2002, Kishi sold some 20,500 copies of the 144-page book, entitled “Misshitsu (Honey Room)” and marketed as for adults only. A comic book which depicts genitalia and sexual acts in two thirds of its content was ruled obscene in a landmark court case which has sparked a debate on freedom of expression in Japan. Eminent academics and critics had testified that it was not a matter for the state to judge obscenity and restricting expression was unconstitutional.

Kishi immediately appealed in the Tokyo High Court. Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiroyuki Hosoda said In addition to a territorial row over two tiny islands, many South Koreans feel Japan has not squarely faced its wartime past, including the brutal 1910-1945 rule of the Korean peninsula. It was the first Japanese court trial in which a comic book stood accused of being obscene and the first in 20 years dealing with printed pornography, despite the presence of a huge amount of pornographic cartoons, 性愛片 photographs and videos on bookstands and on the Internet in Japan In a bid to narrow the gap over history, the two governments launched a joint study four years ago, but a report on its results issued on Friday showed the two sides were sharply at odds on many subjects, including the sex slaves issue.matsuyama

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分享小片的对象可以是朋友,更可以是另一半。 “同享小片儿”的如果是亲密的朋友或者伴侣,可能还很快乐;但要是父母长辈,八成就乐不起来了。进入大学前从没住过宿舍,一度很担心我以后的快乐看片时光…第一次看到是在十岁以内,过年跟哥哥姐姐弟弟一起看的,当时又好奇又不好意思,旁边还有亲戚凑过来说你们看的是啥啊!看了以后我说,”emm…到现在他爸爸都不知道碟少了一张…最后碟子两瓣了…那一天去医院的路上,他也照惯例买了一束花。后来甚至去问了政治老师到底是不是违法,当然最后虚惊一场,老师只是说这个年纪不要看太多了,还严肃的让我保护好自己,不要跟男生一起看。

