5+ Truths: Expense Of Battery Replacement In Electrical Scooters

₤ 1300 or deal. ‘ 52, ns currently. ₤ 893, oller. Terms or trade-in.

Reply confiden- tially, state present Une of service and income to Box 3228i G.P.O. Pondence, Qualifying and Matri- culation Modern History-Gene- ral Column. Attention ls drawn to market- ments appearing throughout these columns for the undermentioned settings. Details of ench placement will certainly be found under the oppropriate alphabetical heading. PANELBEATER, utilized to motor re- set job. Earnings well over award.

Placement supplies range for Improve- ment with increasing organisation. Staff Benefit, superannuation. He will certainly be attached to thc Shire Designer’s team and under his con- trol. Will certainly have an Openings for Spray Painter accustomed t o Industrial spraying ol part” and mnch lncs. Great salary and problems used to appropriate applicant. Ono of tho City’s biggest Property Offices requires a BUSINESS- guy nt Its Head Ofrico.

Pitt and Liverpool Sts. Phone, M3253 and M3419. CHASSIS, your garage or ours. Rings in supply.

Cllfts Motors, Parramatta. Apply, stating age and experience, WORLD WORSTED MILLS PTY. LABOURER or Handyman, used to Woodworking Devices. Apply (Satur- day additionally), BERRYMAN CO. LTD., 80 Beauchamp Rd .

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Ring XL4860. Previous Procedures and/or Flying force experience ls necessary. Applicants need to be between 23 ond 27 years of ogc. And have nt least the Leaving Ccrtlflcnte standard of educntlon. Ployment Act, 1945. Would certainly be ob-‘ served in making the appointment.

Wo aYc prepared to train ideal Youth for this placement, which ls permanent nnd uses scope for advertisement- vancement. Liberal wage to ex- perienced candidate. Hours 8.45 to 5 p.m. Handy to Redfern nnd Central stations. Required available Department at our Hoad Office.

JY1645, after 9 a.m. City workplace. Short-term position. Ring BL3408.

ELDERLY lady with great business experience requir- ed. Preferably good at figures. No Satuidays. Wage to ₤ 12 per week for skilled woman.

New Clutch Ring Gear, Tuned and Run In. Totally Assured. Sup- layered and Fitted.

You may examine and troubleshoot minor issues, yet how much is a clamp for a caroma electric scooter mechanic ought to touch on significant electric components and concerns. Bear in mind to buy initial batteries created your e-scooter from trusted merchants. Acquiring batteries that don’t have the very same specs or brand name as the original might create extra concerns in the future. NATHAN SAMINS, 67 Castlereagh “, Road, near King Road. MA5829; -i” advancements with ur without teranty. Low Rate of interest. Money at once on Furniture.